Smart Money with Kai

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Master Your Money Flow: My Monthly Blueprint Revealed

Today, I want to share the blueprint that keeps my finances in check each month. This systematic approach ensures I prioritize investments, track every dollar, and manage my expenses wisely.

The Blueprint of My Monthly Money Flow

  1. Income / Salary

    • Monthly Budget & Net Worth Tracker: I start by recording my income in a budget tracker. This helps get a clear picture of my financial health and net worth.

    • Distribute My Money: I receive my income to my business account and from there have automated transfers to many various other accounts

  2. Emergency Fund

    • This is my safety net. Before anything else, I ensure my emergency fund is topped up. I aim to have at least 3-6 months of living expenses saved.

  3. Investments

    • Trading 212, Trade Republic, Lightyear, Revolut, Wio Personal: I distribute a portion of my income into these investment platforms. Prioritizing investments ensures that I am paying myself first.

    • Interactive Brokers, Nexo, Ledger Wallet: Diversification is key. I use multiple platforms to manage and grow my investments.

  4. Expenses

    • Monthly Expenses: Categorize and track my monthly expenses. This includes fixed costs like rent and utilities.

    • Analytics: Regularly review spending patterns to identify areas where I can cut back.

    • Cashback: Utilize cashback options to save on everyday purchases.

  5. Charity and Subscriptions

    • Giving back is important, so I allocate a portion of my income to charity.

    • Keep track of all my subscriptions to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Creating and maintaining this structured flow ensures that every dollar has a purpose, whether it's for investing, saving, or spending. This disciplined approach can help anyone achieve financial stability and growth. It's essential to develop a habit of following a money flow, ideally at the start of each month or whatever time works best for you. Consistency is key to building a robust financial future.

If you want to dive deeper into my money flow and see it in action, check out my video here 👇



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