Smart Money with Kai

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The Truth About Growth: It’s Not Always Pretty

Today, I want to step away from the usual finance talk and dive into something equally important—investing in yourself. Now, I’m not just talking about courses or certifications. I’m talking about the gritty, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright embarrassing process of personal growth. Because let's be real, growth is rarely glamorous. But that's where the magic happens.

Here’s what I’ve learned on my own journey:

1. Embrace the Beginner's Embarrassment

When I first started my YouTube channel, I was a mess. Awkward edits, stumbling over words—it was embarrassing. But you know what? Leaning into that discomfort is what made me better. Those cringe-worthy moments? They’re your stepping stones to success. The more you embrace being a beginner, the more you’ll grow.

2. Let Go of Others' Opinions

Not everyone will support your growth. When I was building my brand, some people questioned my ambitions, others laughed. It took time, but I learned that their reactions were more about their insecurities than about me. Remember, your growth might make others uncomfortable, but that’s not your burden to carry.

3. Set and Enforce Boundaries

In the early days of my business, I tried to be everything to everyone—saying "yes" far too often. I learned the hard way that setting boundaries is crucial. Protect your time like your most valuable asset. Saying "no" isn’t just okay; it’s necessary for your growth.

4. Reframe Self-Doubt as a Positive

Every time I launch something new, that twinge of self-doubt kicks in. But instead of letting it stop me, I’ve learned to see it as a sign that I’m pushing my limits. If you’re not a little scared, you’re probably not aiming high enough.

5. Impress Yourself, Not Others

From the start, I’ve always been focused on meeting my own standards rather than seeking approval from others. It’s easy to get caught up in what others think, but the real growth happens when you focus on impressing yourself. Set your own benchmarks and let them guide your journey.

6. Stop Complaining About the Uncontrollable

I used to waste energy on things outside of my control. But I’ve learned that power comes from focusing on what you can change. Letting go of what you can’t control gives you back control of your life.

7. Embrace Evolving Identities

Throughout my journey, I’ve experienced several identity shifts—from corporate professional to entrepreneur, and from employee to mentor. Each shift has been a part of my growth, a natural evolution to be embraced and celebrated. Growth is all about evolving, and these changes are milestones in your journey.

8. Cringe at Your Past Self

Looking back at my early videos, I sometimes cringe. But that cringe is a sign of progress. If you’re not cringing at your past self, you’re probably not growing as much as you could be.

Growth isn’t always pretty, but it’s where real change happens. Keep investing in yourself, even when it’s uncomfortable. That’s where the magic is.



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